Mike Kleine was born in West Africa in 1988. He graduated from Grinnel College with a degree in French literature, and lives and works in the Mid-West. He composes electronic music, creates video games (interactive fiction and, recently, “bitsy” games), and writes novels. Since La Ferme des Mastodontes (trans. by Quentin Leclerc, L’Ogre, 2019, originally published by Atlatl Press, 2012), he has also published Arafat Mountain (Atlatl Press, 2014,), Kanley Stubrick (We Heard You Like Books, 2016), The Mystery of the Seventeen Pilot Fish (Plays Inverse Press, 2016), and, most recently, Lonely Men Club (Inside the Castle, 2018), a 100,000-word, five-day computer-generated novel about the manifestations across time and space of the Zodiac Killer.