Between laughter and fear, horror and tenderness, the 38 stories that make up Gutshot are jewels of originality and finesse that will never end to haunt you.
A woman crawls through the pipes of a silent house. Surgery upgrades an object of worship. A carnivorous reptile divides and cauterizes a city. In Gutshot, Amelia Gray explores once again the incredible cabinet of curiosities that serves her as an imaginary, and offers us stories that seem to vibrate with a life of their own, animated by a humanity and a sense of humor out of the ordinary. These short stories are gems of black humor and imagination, reminding the reader how our world can be strange, cruel, and beautiful.
Amelia Gray has a unique talent for short stories, more precisely for the short form, of which she masters the art of rhythm. More than work on the surprise, on the fall, she is able, in three pages, to create an atmosphere that we have never seen elsewhere.
At the center of these texts, a surgical writing, a sharp sense of balance between the real and the strange, and especially the body.These bodies, therefore, awkward, crazy, strange and powerful, our bodies, so often absent from the literature but which are in the center of the imagination deployed by Amelia Gray.