What we sell to Coca-Cola is available human brain time. Chloé Delaume wanted to understand what the mental availability of television viewers consisted of. During 22 months, from the morning to the night, she became a “sentinel” of television, becoming her own subject of study, submitting herself to the flow of media and advertising messages, ingesting the maximum of entertainment programs, especially reality TV, to bring back “real information”. Through this borderline experience, the narrator deciphers her ongoing mutation: brain and body are ineluctably changing. When the human being is only a tool in the service of “the collective fiction”. J’habite dans la télévision is a puzzle where each piece teems with references, teleported remarks, applying to the discourse of neuro-marketing a singular reading grid, whose lucidity sometimes has paranoid accents. Chloé Delaume’s humor sediments this text and invites everyone to question the margin of maneuver of his free will.