Marie Curie

La vie n’est pas facile, et alors ?

Lettres d’une femme de génie et de combat

Life Is not Easy, So What?

Letters from a Woman of Genius and Combat
November 10, 2021
64 pages
100 × 165 mm
7,95 €
Translation of pageantry by Delphine Ménage

“les Plis les livres prêts-à-expédier” collection

																Marie Curie, La vie n’est pas facile, et alors ?
																Marie Curie, La vie n’est pas facile, et alors ?

Physicist and chemist, twice Nobel Prize winner, Marie Curie is an icon of scientific progress and concord between peoples.

Despite the prejudices and obstacles she faced, the researcher was able to make a decisive impact on her era and that to come. This selection of letters gives an account of her extraordinary and exemplary destiny.

The author

Marie Skłodowska-Curie, or simply Marie Curie, born Maria Salomea Skłodowska on November 7, 1867, in Warsaw (Russian-ruled Kingdom of Poland) and died on July 4, 1934, in Passy, in the sanatorium of Sancellemoz (Haute-Savoie), was a Polish physicist and chemist, who became a naturalized French citizen through her marriage to the physicist Pierre Curie in 1895.

The edition

Letters selected and presented by Massimiliano Borelli.

Cover and layout by Elena Vozzi.

Graphic design by IFIX.

November 10, 2021
64 pages
100 × 165 mm
7,95 €
Translation of pageantry by Delphine Ménage

“les Plis les livres prêts-à-expédier” collection