Fanny Chiarello

Spécimens sensibles

October 4, 2023
80 pages
140 × 180 mm
10 €

Collection « Récits d’objets »

																Fanny Chiarello, Spécimens sensibles
																Fanny Chiarello, Spécimens sensibles

Although homo sapiens long ago distanced himself from the animal world, he sometimes tends to forget that humans and non-humans belong to the same great whole: living things. Various endeavours, from domestication and observation to taxidermy and art, have sought to create links between these species, without ever completely eliminating any form of hierarchy.
Drawing a parallel between the fate of a naturalised mallard and that of ducklings abandoned in a hostile urban environment, Fanny Chiarello endeavours to speak, not for them, but for the animals. She reminds us that the human species is only one among many, although it enjoys the rare privilege of being the one “not stuffed”. Calling for a true coexistence that is not limited to an indifferent or even aggressive and intrusive neighbourhood, she questions our relationship with conservation and eternity.
She tests the accuracy of a language that infallibly conditions our thoughts and actions, like the notions of sensitivity and humanity, which seem implicitly to imply a form of human superiority.

The author

Fanny Chiarello writes novels, poetry, and children’s literature. She enjoys changing universes, forms, and tonalities in each new text. To fuel her work, she explores cities and countryside, running or cycling, with her camera. In her spare time, she compiles a directory of underground female sound artists from around the world. She has published numerous novels with éditions de l’Olivier and, with éditions Cambourakis, L’évaporée with Wendy Delorme and Spécimens sensibles in the “récits d’objets” collection.

Strong points

A new text in the “Récits d’objets” collection, co-published with the Musée des Confluences, that forcefully questions our relationship with living things.

A powerful text in which Fanny Chiarello reveals her anti-speciesist commitment and offers a stimulating reflection on the link between humans and non-humans, tracing the historical development of our relationship with animals over several centuries.

It’s a thought-provoking, wide-ranging account of taxidermy, museum conservation, hunting and contemporary art, as well as of our language, which often conveys certain historical prejudices that implicitly condition our ways of thinking.

October 4, 2023
80 pages
140 × 180 mm
10 €

Collection « Récits d’objets »