Xabi Molia

La vie ou presque

August 19, 2024
240 pages
143 × 204 mm
20 €

“Cadre rouge” collection

																Xabi Molia, La vie ou presque
																Xabi Molia, La vie ou presque

The 1990s, on the Basque coast. Three teenagers, Paul, Simon and Idoya, forge an unshakeable friendship around the same passion: writing. This shared vocation will lead them to destinies at opposite ends of the spectrum.
Their hopes, their quest for the absolute and their disillusionment make up a dizzying storyline that takes us from the Nirvana years to the middle of the 21st century. A magnificent novel on the breath of creation and the search for happiness.

The author

Xabi Molia was born in the Basque Country in 1977. His first novel, Fourbi, was published by Gallimard while he was still a student. After earning a doctorate in film history, he taught at university until 2012, before devoting himself entirely to his dual career as writer and filmmaker. Author of three feature-length fiction films and two documentaries (co-directed with his sister Agnès), he has published seven novels, including Les Premiers, une histoire des super-héros français and Des jours sauvages. In August 2024, Le Seuil published La Vie ou presque.

August 19, 2024
240 pages
143 × 204 mm
20 €

“Cadre rouge” collection