Louis-Thomas Plamondon


April 4, 2019
128 pages
128 × 190 mm
15 €
																Louis-Thomas Plamondon, Portages
																Louis-Thomas Plamondon, Portages

Louis-Thomas Plamondon’s portages, with hushed footsteps in the fog, the plains and the branch paths, conceal moments of acute and sculptural presence in the world. To carry oneself is to elevate oneself, to keep awake and attentive to moments of grace. Portages are finely chiselled hymns that record the existence of simple, precise and particular situations, all in close relationship with nature and animality. Each of these tableaux vivants is a meditation, the fruit of a ritual of poetry and consciousness. Words and affections spread throughout the body, innervating to the tips of the fingers, to the tips of the lips, to that luminous frontier where the body and the world meet.

The author

Louis-Thomas Plamondon was born in 1984 in Quebec City. His studies in biology and design led him to choose the creative gesture as a medium for exploring identity and our relationship to the world. Portages is the work of one of these experiments.

April 4, 2019
128 pages
128 × 190 mm
15 €