Lionel Destremau

Un crime dans la peau

April 3, 2025
304 pages
19,90 €
																Lionel Destremau, Un crime dans la peau
																Lionel Destremau, Un crime dans la peau

In 2014, Éric Mailly, a young police officer with a passion for tattoos, discovered that two books had been withdrawn from the auction of a private collection. One of them caught his eye: a folder that once belonged to the famous French forensic pathologist and criminologist Jean Lacassagne, in connection with a terrible crime that took place in Lyon in 1930. It’s the book’s binding that prevents it from being sold: it’s made of the tattooed skin of a man, Louis Rambert, one of the two guilty parties in the case. As he continues his research, Éric discovers the name of his accomplice, a certain Gustave Mailly… Are they related? The lives of Louis Rambert and Gustave Mailly are still a mystery: the press has reported on their trial and their fate, but only in part… What shaped their lives?

How did they become criminals? Why and how did they end up committing the crime?

The author

Born in 1970, Lionel Destremau lives in Bordeaux. After having worked as an editor for fifteen years, he is now at the head of “Lire en poche”, a famous French book fair. He has written books of poetry from 2002 to 2008. He has been collaborating as a literary critic for several years with the magazine Le Matricule des anges. Gueules d’ombre is his first novel.

Strong points

An author praised by critics for his first novels: winner of the Festival du premier roman de Chambéry and the Prix des lecteurs du festival de Penmarch, shortlisted for the Grand Prix de littérature policière and the Prix Hors Concours…

A historical novel based on a true story that skilfully interweaves fiction and reality.

April 3, 2025
304 pages
19,90 €