Collectif Nos futurs désirables

Nos futurs désirables

Our Desirable Futures

October 20, 2022
Short stories
180 pages
15 €
									Collectif Nos futurs désirables, Nos futurs désirables
									Collectif Nos futurs désirables, Nos futurs désirables

What if we were to think positively about the future? Though things are not looking good, the future will be borne by new generations of determined people, who are ready to roll up their sleeves and not give in to pessimism. It is to them that we give voice in this collection, which brings together six professional writers and a talented new generation.
Selected as part of a writing contest in partnership with the Ecoposs Biennial, six young people have harnessed their creativity towards a single objective : imagining a possible, and even desirable, future for the planet and humanity. Nos futurs désirables gathers twelve texts of particular richness that invite us to approach tomorrow with hope.

The edition

Poetess and journalist, Rim Battal shares her life between Paris and Marrakech.
Canadian-born teacher, Rachel Corenblit has published a large number of novels for children.
Author of fantasy and noir novels, Patrick K. Dewdney has won several literary prizes, such as the Virilo prize and the Grand Prix de l’imaginaire.
Laurent Petitmangin
is the author of Ce qu’il faut de nuit and Ainsi Berlin at La Manufacture de livres and is the winner of more than 25 literary prizes.
Lucie Rico
is a screenwriter and film director, and is also an author for P.O.L. Her first novel won the Prix du roman d’Écologie.
Bertrand Verfely
is an essayist and philosophy professor. He currently teaches preparatory classes.

October 20, 2022
Short stories
180 pages
15 €