Erwan Desplanques

La part sauvage

March 8, 2024
Short stories
160 pages
140 × 204 mm
17 €

“Littérature française” collection

																Erwan Desplanques, La part sauvage
																Erwan Desplanques, La part sauvage

Who is this young woman who deliberately burns herself with an oven, unable to get her roommates to open up ? Why does a teenager punch his father in the back in the middle of a concert ? Why does a famous influencer hide the existence of her youngest son ? This is the wild part, the gesture that escapes us, a blind impulse, or the disordered expression of a sudden desire to change one’s life.

In the course of these ten short stories, sometimes tragic and often funny, Erwan Desplanques delightfully dissects the tipping points of his characters, their sudden derailment.

The author

Erwan Desplanques has published three books with Éditions de l’Olivier: Si j’y suis (2013), his first novel, Une chance unique (2016), a collection that was a finalist for the Prix Goncourt for short stories, and the critically acclaimed L’Amérique derrière moi (2019). He lives and works in Bordeaux.

March 8, 2024
Short stories
160 pages
140 × 204 mm
17 €

“Littérature française” collection