Fabrice Tassel

On ne sait rien de toi

We Know Nothing About You

February 20, 2025
320 pages
19,90 €
																Fabrice Tassel, On ne sait rien de toi
																Fabrice Tassel, On ne sait rien de toi

Charles Perrière is a top cop, director of the IGPN, the “police force of the police”. Upright and cartesian, at war with the corruption that plagues the State, he is driven by ideals of order and justice, which he invests entirely in his work. With his wife Aline and their children, they form a family like so many others, with a simple, peaceful existence. One shadow hangs over this picture: Alexandra, the eldest, with whom dialogue has broken down. Meanwhile, pugnacious investigating judge Dominique Bontet, soon to retire, is visited by a mysterious woman who tells her a disturbing story. Dominique trusts her intuition and embarks on a solitary investigation that turns into an obsession… Do you really know the person you’ve been sharing your life with for decades?

On ne sait rien de toi, follows thirty years of a couple’s life, between pretences and unspoken words, habits and routines. Fabrice Tassel continues to explore the appearances, secrets and darkness that make up every family, however ordinary they may seem.

The author

Journalist and novelist, Fabrice Tassel lives in Paris. Originally from Brittany, he is a traveller whose ultimate dream is to have visited at least a hundred countries. On dirait des hommes is his fourth novel.

Strong points

An award-winning author, including Nouvelles voix du polar (Pocket) for his previous novel On dirait des hommes.

An intriguing tale of a double life, reminiscent of current events in society and in the news.

A literary atmosphere reminiscent of Georges Simenon.

February 20, 2025
320 pages
19,90 €