Benjamin Fogel

Le silence selon Manon

April 7, 2021
Detective Fiction
352 pages
155 × 225 mm

“Rivages Noir” collection

																Benjamin Fogel, Le silence selon Manon
																Benjamin Fogel, Le silence selon Manon

In the 2025s, the Western world is characterized by a rise in aggression on social networks and, in particular, cases of cyberstalking, to the point where a special police unit, headed by Commissaire Sébastien Mille, has had to be set up. Sébastien Mille takes a close interest in the maneuvers of masculinist groups in France. North America had already seen attacks in the 2010s…

The author

Benjamin Fogel was born in 1981 in the Paris suburbs. He is the founder of Playlist Society, a publisher of essays on pop culture (cinema, music, literature…) In 2015, he published his first novel with Le mot et le reste: Le Renoncement de Howard Devoto, a fictionalized biography of the leader of Buzzcocks and Magazine, through which he traces the history of English punk. In 2016, he continued this work with Swans et le dépassement de soi, an essay on Michael Gira, an iconoclastic figure in contemporary music. His first real work of fiction will be published in 2019 by Rivages in the Rivages/Noir collection: La Transparence selon Irina (Prix Rivages des libraires 2021), a novel of social and political anticipation, which initiates the Trilogie de la transparence. This will continue in 2021 with Le Silence selon Manon, dedicated to toxic masculinity, then in 2024 with L’Absence selon Camille, the story of a failed revolution. In 2021, he was one of the writers of the new version of Métal hurlant magazine.

April 7, 2021
Detective Fiction
352 pages
155 × 225 mm

“Rivages Noir” collection
