Pleines de grâce is a cumbia opera, funny, violent and raw, illuminated by the solar character of Cleo. Without a doubt one of the great Argentine queer novels.
Pleines de grâce is the flamboyant story of Qüity, a tough young journalist from Buenos Aires, and Cleopatra, a transvestite who, after giving up prostitution following the apparition of the Virgin Mary, begins, with an army of whores, traffickers and thieves, to transform her shantytown of El Poso into an autonomous community. Forced to flee after the local government razed the shantytown to the ground, Qüity and Cleo, with whom she is pregnant, then recount their adventures from Miami. In this intense novel, Gabriela Cabezón Cámara succeeds in expressing the hidden epic of so many anonymous lives which, defying the logic imposed by the established order, invent new ways of living, as a couple, a family and a community.