Christian Lehmann

En première ligne

Journal d’une pandémie

On the Frontline

Diary of a Pandemic
March 11, 2022
500 pages
130 × 185 mm
17 €

“Les Feux” collection

																Christian Lehmann, En première ligne
																Christian Lehmann, En première ligne

Initially, Christian Lehmann did not want to speak about Covid. It was Professor Raoult’s words that made him decide to speak out.No, chloroquine has not been proven to be effective against Covid.
No, chloroquine is not without danger, he hammered already in February 2020. Week after week, day after day, Christian Lehmann deciphers the pandemic. Faced with growing anxiety, he wants to educate and disseminate the discoveries related to the virus, and calmly and confidently dismantle the false information circulating about vaccines. A true whistleblower, he does not hesitate to expose the government’s shortcomings and to denounce the lack of resources in public hospitals. He collects testimonies from hospital staff, describes the concerns of the medical profession, and the hopes of those who think they are finished.

The author

Christian Lehmann has been a general practitioner since 1984, and a novelist since 1987. He has published some fifteen novels, including the trilogy No Pasaran le Jeu at École des Loisirs (400,000 copies), and two essays on the French health system: Patients si vous saviez and Les Fossoyeurs. In 2000, he published Une éducation anglaise, a biographical novel about his adolescence and his discovery of science fiction and literature. Since March 2020, he has been writing a column for Libération, the Journal de Pandémie. As a role-player and GNist, he is always looking for his next incarnation.

March 11, 2022
500 pages
130 × 185 mm
17 €

“Les Feux” collection