Hélène Gaudy

Villa Zamir

December 1, 2022
																Hélène Gaudy, Villa Zamir
																Hélène Gaudy, Villa Zamir

In the abandoned villa overlooking the bay of Roquebrune, something remains of its former owner, Albert Kahn, and the mad enterprise to which he devoted his life: collecting and saving the world’s images. Discovering that this mansion is linked to her earliest memories, Hélène Gaudy sets off to revisit the places of her childhood, weaving a network of correspondences between these vestiges and their inhabitants—between architecture, image and landscape.

The author

Hélène Gaudy was born in 1979. After training in the plastic arts, she worked on a number of projects involving images and landscapes. She has published several novels, including Vues sur la mer (Les Impressions nouvelles, 2006), Plein hiver (Actes Sud, 2014) and Une île, une forteresse (Inculte, 2016). She is a member of the Inculte collective and the editorial board of La Moitié du fourbi magazine. Her latest novel, Un monde sans rivage (Actes Sud), based on the lacunar photographs of lost polar explorers, was shortlisted for the Prix Goncourt and won SCAM’s Prix François Billetdoux in 2019. She teaches in the Master de Création littéraire program at Paris 8.

December 1, 2022