David Thomas

Partout les autres

Others Everywhere

January 6, 2023
Short stories
208 pages
140 × 205 mm
18 €
																David Thomas, Partout les autres
																David Thomas, Partout les autres

What is Others Everywhere about?
Unfulfilled loves.
Destructive madness.
Cherished places.
Violence that leaves one unmoved.
Kleptomania, a philosophical rat and cherry pits.
Here, humanity accepts its complexity and its imperfection. It shows itself as we look in the mirror, as we listen to ourselves in the dark. Without manners or pretences.

Prix Goncourt de la Nouvelle 2023
The author

David Thomas is the author, among others, of La patience des buffles sous la pluie (2009 Discovery Prize of the Pierre Prince of Monaco Foundation), Un silence de clairière (Orange Book Prize 2011, Louis Barthou de l’Académie française Prize), On ne va pas se raconter d’histoires (Stock, 2014), Le poids du monde est amour (Anne Carrière, 2018) and Un homme à sa fenêtre (Anne Carrière, 2019).

January 6, 2023
Short stories
208 pages
140 × 205 mm
18 €