In Carena, the investigator Siriem Plant finds himself requisitioned by the Ministry for a case of the utmost importance. A certain Carlus Turnay, a soldier, is plunged into a coma and it is impossible to identify the family of the young man. Turnay, it appears, is an assumed name... In the absence of a proven identity, families are jostling to recognize their own missing relatives in this unknown soldier. All this could end up degenerating. Siriem Plant must therefore, and quickly, search the country for the mysterious man. There are no survivors left from his battalion. But the widows, mothers, sisters and friends remain. Maybe they know something. From woman to woman, while all of them seem to have secrets to hide, it will be necessary to reconstitute the puzzle piece by piece and lift the veil on the enigmatic Carlus Turnay.
In his first novel, in which an unusual investigation is carried out amongst the rubble of a fictitious country, Lionel Destremau imposes a unique literary universe.