"Dear Madam,
I have received your letter dated April 5 informing me that my application for the position of French and philosophy teacher at the high school in Tashkent (Uzbekistan), despite its many qualities, was not accepted. I have taken note of your regrets and your deep respect. However, I regret to inform you that I cannot accept your refusal. My decision is irrevocable: I will take the job, you must be convinced of that." For there are certain circumstances that require a woman in her thirties to embark with her husband and two children on the adventure of exile in Uzbek lands.
Tiphaine Le Gall, in this one way epistolary novel, tells us a dream of elsewhere and of renewal. Throughout this letter, as whimsical as it is sensitive, the hesitations and hopes of a young woman torn between the impulses of her heart and her duty, ready to do anything for her life to feel like a novel, are revealed.