It is never too late to build a family, and those of the heart are sometimes the strongest.
Joseph, fifty years old, single, works in the lost and found department of a Parisian train station. Dreaming about the lives of others through these forgotten objects that fill his office, he often comes up against a brutal reality when their owners come to claim without emotion what he has carefully kept for them. One evening, while Joseph is making the rounds of trains stopped at the garage, he is attracted by unusual noises… and discovers an abandoned baby in a bassinet under a seat. Touched and unsettled, he decides to take him home. Just for one night. The next day, after his colleague Adèle has helped feed him, he follows her advice and goes to the DDASS. But no sooner has he passed through the automatic doors than emotion suddenly overwhelms him. It’s obvious: he can’t leave this child here.
So for the first time, a story enters Joseph’s life.