Gabriel is a young Belgian sailor, mischievous, loud but clumsy. He wants to learn to sail but also to drink, to fight and to love. For his first transatlantic crossing, he radioed on a cargo ship from Antwerp to Buenos Aires. Unfortunately! A stopover in the Azores reveals to him that a secret international organization has just seized the undreamed-of resources of a corner of the South Pole, threatening the world’s geomagnetic balance...
Will he be able to avert the catastrophe?
A contemporary maritime adventure novel, a tragic-comic initiation story with supernatural overtones, L’aimant continues the story of a little-known title by Jules Verne, An Antarctic Mystery, which had already taken up the unresolved plot of Edgar Allan Poe’s only novel, The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket. The incredible conclusion of a long literary mystery.