An adventure novel, which happily plays with literary genres and cultivates the part of childhood in each of us.
Kepler, Natsumi, the Rintintin and Denise are rather peculiar bandits, closer to subversive dandyism than to organized crime. They have only one goal: to create the maximum amount of disorder wherever they go. Totally seduced, the narrator of Special Actions becomes part of the group and participates in its misdeeds, without knowing that his encounter with this gang of poetic anarchists may not have been by chance.
Actions spéciales takes place between Spain, the Principality of Monaco, Africa and a desert island (among others). Jean-Hubert Gailliot deploys his talent for literary games and masks. Because behind the meeting between this club of four and the narrator, hides a formidable adventure novel, on the edge of the black novel and the political fable.