Some misunderstandings can cost a life!
The dangerous and buffoonish brawl in which Commissioner Montalbano finds himself involved should have served as a warning: the investigation he is starting will be full of mistakes about the person. For this time, the Sicilian commissioner, still a gourmet and worried about his own ageing, has to deal with two seemingly unrelated cases: the successive kidnapping of three beautiful bank employees, who all miraculously reappear the next day, and the disappearance of a Don Juan—an electronics salesman—whose shop was struck by fire a short while ago.
When the two investigations are merged into one, he will need to resolve it by clearing the smoke screens that will rise up in front of him and not get caught up in mistakes he might make if he is not careful.
Fortunately, the small world of the Vigàta police station, with the ineffable Catarella in mind, and, more unexpectedly, the Mafia will be there to advise and support him.