Charlotte Erlih


January 1, 2015
Youth Novel
96 pages
115 × 217 mm

collection « D’une seule voix »

																Charlotte Erlih, Highline
																Charlotte Erlih, Highline

Un personnage « sur le fil », tiraillé entre le goût du risque, le vertige du vide et un incroyable désir de vivre.

Ils ont tiré à pile ou face : ce sera lui. Une sangle tendue entre deux tours, au-dessus du vide, et l’horizon qui s’étend sous ses yeux au petit jour, infini, magnifique. À cette hauteur, la vie est étourdissante.

Flirter avec le danger, maîtriser la peur de la chute, c’est le défi qu’il s’est lancé. La traversée s’engage, les cinq minutes les plus longues et les plus denses de sa vie.

The author

Charlotte Erlih was born in 1978. A graduate of the École Normale Supérieure and holder of the agrégation in Modern Literature, she taught Performing Arts at university before dedicating herself to writing and directing in 2008. From her first short films, adapted from texts by Maylis de Kerangal, she has interwoven literature, live performance, and cinema in her work, enjoying blurring the boundaries between genres.

She has published around twenty works, mainly in young adult and children’s literature (novels, comics, picture books), including Bacha Posh, 20 Feet Underground, and The Last Wrong Note, which have won numerous awards in France and abroad.

Her debut, Funambules, was published by Grasset. In 2023, she wrote and co-directed (with M.-P. Camus) her first documentary, A French Woman in Kabul, which won the Audience Award at the Pessac International Historical Film Festival and the Terre(s) d’Histoire – INA Award at FIGRA.

The edition

À partir de 15 ans.

January 1, 2015
Youth Novel
96 pages
115 × 217 mm

collection « D’une seule voix »