The first Montalbano dictated by Andrea Camilleri after his complete blindness.
In Vigàta, while the arrival every night of boats containing migrants rescued from shipwrecks disrupts the life of the police station, Livia, Montalbano’s eternal Genoese fiancée, forces him to face another ordeal: he must have a suit made to measure. On this occasion, the commissioner meets the beautiful and kind Elena and her Tunisian assistant Meriam. While the migratory crisis worsens on the Sicilian coast, with its racism and violence, Elena is murdered with tailor’s scissors, the suspects of the murder apparently have alibis, and a piece of fabric of exceptional quality may hold revelations about the past of the deceased seamstress...
Assisted by the hilarious Catarella, who has fallen in love with a cat that doesn’t return his love, Augello, blinded by his Donjuanism, and a shady Fazio, Inspector Montalbano progresses towards the truth thanks to his art of lying, and without ever forgetting to honor his twice-daily worship of Sicilian gastronomy...