Artem Chapeye

The Ukraine

The ukraine

February 11, 2025
300 pages
140 × 205 mm
22,90 €
Translated from Ukrainian into French by Nikol Dziub

“Fiction Europe” collection

Diffusion: CEDIF

The Ukraine is a kaleidoscope of striking images that interweave to offer a portrait of Ukraine: the real thing, but also the mysterious, the incorrect and yet indelible, the one that can only be referred to in deliberately faulty English.

Through travel, chance encounters and shared moments, these stories reveal a country rich in contrasts, where beauty emerges from decadence and the soul is revealed in unexpected details.

More than a territory, this collection captures a state of being, a complex and powerful reality, experienced intensely by those who travel through it and love it: “…because there is Ukraine as such, and then there is the Ukraine—‘this is Ukraine’”.

Finaliste du prix BBC livre de l’année en Ukraine 2018
The author

Artem Chapeye, écrivain et journaliste ukrainien, s’est fait connaître en France avec le roman Loin d’ici, près de nulle part (Les Éditions Bleu et Jaune, 2021). Bien que pacifiste, il a rejoint volontairement l’armée ukrainienne dès février 2022. Il a relaté son expérience de la guerre dans le récit Les gens ordinaires ne portent pas de mitraillettes (Bayard, 2024). The Ukraine est son troisième livre publié en France.

Strong points

A multi-award-winning work. Published in 2018, The Ukraine has earned its author a major bestseller. A finalist for the 2018 BBC Ukraine Book of the Year Award, the collection was also included in the list of the best books of 2018 drawn up by the Ukrainian PEN Club, in the list proposed by the Ukrainian Book Institute (2018-2019), and in the shortlist for the “Lviv, UNESCO City of Literature” Prize.

International recognition. The short story “The Ukraine”, which gives the collection its title, was published in 2022 in The New Yorker, one of the world’s most influential magazines, with a circulation of over one million copies. In January 2024, The Ukraine was published simultaneously in the United States and England by Seven Stories Press, confirming its international appeal.

February 11, 2025
300 pages
140 × 205 mm
22,90 €
Translated from Ukrainian into French by Nikol Dziub

“Fiction Europe” collection

Diffusion: CEDIF