Albert Wendt

Ces liens que l’on brise

Breaking Connections

January 11, 2019
432 pages
190 × 240 mm
23 €
Translated from English (Samoa) by Jean-Pierre Durix

“Littérature” collection

																Albert Wendt, Ces liens que l’on brise
																Albert Wendt, Ces liens que l’on brise

Did Aaron, Paul, Keith, Mere and Daniel really make a pact, sign a contract—or something like that—guaranteeing that, in Daniel’s words in their final year at Freemans Bay Elementary School, they would always be buddies and never let each other down? The Tribe grew up in Auckland, New Zealand, in the 1960s. Five friends united by their Oceanian roots and humble origins. Now in their forties, they have taken different paths, but their attachment remains strong—or so they think. When Aaron dies, they all come together to attend his funeral. Aaron’s two carefully compartmentalized lives suddenly appear in broad daylight, revealing fault lines that brutally confront the members of the Tribe with their contradictions. Will the code of honor that demands vengeance for the deceased prevail over the respect for the law required of citizens of a modern state? Will the lure of gain be stronger than the solidarity of the group?

The author

Novelist The Mango’s Kiss: a Novel (Le Baiser de la mangue, Au vent des Iles, 2005), Leaves of the Banyan Tree (Les feuilles du Banyan, Au vent des Iles, 2008), short story writer, poet Inside us the Dead (Au fond de nous les morts, Le Décaèdre, 2004), playwright and painter, Albert Wendt is undoubtedly the writer who has contributed the most to the emergence of English-language literature in the Pacific.

January 11, 2019
432 pages
190 × 240 mm
23 €
Translated from English (Samoa) by Jean-Pierre Durix

“Littérature” collection